Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wholesale Car Prices

Normally, wholesale car prices are reserved for dealers and there is no chance that an individual buyer can get a car at a wholesale price. However, if one is smart and alert, one can become the proud owner of a car bought at a wholesale, or near wholesale price, be it a pre-owned car or a brand new one. There are a few places where you can get cars at wholesale prices.

One place where there is strong possibility of being able to get cars at wholesale price is at an car auction. The government conducts auctions of vehicles from its various departments like Defense, Housing and Urban development, FBI, IRS, postal services, and other departments. One can expect to get a car at a great price at these government auctions.

Bargain Books

There are different types of public car auctions that keep happening all over America. Many of these auctions are limited to dealers who have licenses and are open for everybody. These auctions are for cars that have been repossessed by banks and financial and lending institutions. Cars can often be bought at a wholesale price here.

There are many bankruptcy auctions where one can get cars at low rates. The classified advertisements in newspapers carry information about these auctions, whenever they happen.

Car rental companies all across America continue to buy new cars to renew their stock. What this means is that they sell their older cars at auctions. At such a place you can find a wonderful bargain for your vehicle. One can check out these companies by calling them up and or reaching them through their Web sites.

Many vehicle dealers have their own auctions where one can get a great car at an extremely low price, often below wholesale price. But only those that are registered as dealers have the right to bid at such auctions. There are also auctions held by dealers that are open to anybody in general.

The Internet has become a great place to find quality cars at affordable wholesale prices. However, despite the convenience, comfort and speed of locating a car of one's choice, there can still doubt regarding the authenticity of the person selling the car. Besides, when a car is being purchased through the Internet, one would also have to educate oneself about the laws relevant in one's state of residence, since many a time cars are traded interstate.

Buying a car at wholesale price is not an impossibility. Take the time to window shop and do homework; you will be able to achieve the dream of owning your own car.

Wholesale Car Prices

Car Prices provides detailed information on Car Prices, New Car Prices, Used Car Prices, Blue Book Used Car Prices and more. Car Prices is affiliated with Ladder Rack Vans [].

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Starting a Book Store

If you are planning to start a business selling books you have to have knowledge on how to go about it. At the outset, just like any other business, you need to have a capital or a budget. You have to be prepared with the expenditures that you are going to meet. Otherwise, you are going to have a hard time in running your business. The next thing you need is a location for this business. And lastly, you will be required to buy your books wholesale because you are going to need a number of copies per title.

Buying by bulk will be helpful to this kind of business because purchasing items in large quantities would cost less than the actual retail price of the book. Be reminded that when starting a business, you need to spend for your other basic expenses as well as your merchandise. Consequently, buying your books wholesale can cut down your expenses per batch of books and increase the volume of the merchandise you have for sale. Make sure that you pick a wholesaler carefully. Consider the reputation of the company doing this.

Bargain Books Wholesale

There are many good sources for buying books by bulk. Search the internet for companies selling good quality books at great package prices (see below). Consider as many sources as you can so you can include a greater variety to the products that you sell.

Before you start operating, make sure you secure a business tax permit since this is a prerequisite for buying books wholesale. Wholesalers are implementing this strict guideline in order to balance the cycle of the market in the industry.

Call local book wholesalers for tips on how to begin the business of selling books. Aside from supplying you with books you want to sell, they can also suggest package deals where instructions are given step by step. The instructional materials are provided for. And most often, the arrangements for your purchase also come with these materials.

The preliminary steps on putting up a book sore are a pretty complex process. It pays to know the things you have to do and things to avoid. And you also need to know the areas where you can minimize your expenses. Once you have everything set up, focus on marketing your books. In order to do this, a good variety of techniques and strategies are needed as your merchandise is introduced to the market.

Starting a Book Store

So if you are starting your own book store, buy books wholesale to save a lot. Visit our site and buy books in bulk.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Book Review - The Economic Institutions Of Capitalism By Oliver Williamson

In this book, Williamson presents a refined and elaborated version of his transaction cost theory that he had first outlined in his 1975 book Markets and Hierarchies: Analysis and Anti-trust Implications. His book attempts to systematically examine those economic issues that classical economic theory simply assumes away. The classical economics believes that markets are perfect, and if they are not then the action to remove market failures needs to be initiated. Williamson, on the other hand, focuses on these economic issues that are acknowledged to be widely prevalent in any economic system. "If complexity is deep in the nature of things economic then that ought to be acknowledged rather than suppressed. An equilibrium approach to economics is thus preliminary to the study of main issues (Hayek on P8)." This book, then, is a scrutiny of such economic phenomenon as market structures, monopolies, anti-trust policies, labor policies, public utility regulation, vertical integration and other economic institutions that have traditionally been neglected by the economic theory.

His basic proposition that most of us are familiar with by now is that the transaction costs should be treated as a fundamental unit of analysis for understanding such issues. Drawing on three streams of research- economics, organization theory and contract law, he repeatedly highlights the need to consider the governance (or transaction) costs. "Rather than characterize the firm as a production function, transaction cost economics maintains that the firm is more usefully regarded as a governance structure (P13)." While his basic argument appeared sound and plausible, I got an impression that Williamson attributed more to transaction costs than it deserved. Why should we regard only governance costs? Why should we think that the firm is only a governance structure? In other words, in my view, instead of correcting an existing flaw in the theory, he seems to be, to borrow the stock market jargon, proposing an over-correction. The field would be better off considering a cost function that combines both production and governance costs or at least choosing the concept based on the specific requirements of the situation or problem at hand.

Bargain Books

Having said that, let's now delve into the foundations of the transaction cost economics which is first three chapters in the book. Until this book, Williamson considered opportunism, bounded rationality, frequency and uncertainty to be the building blocks of TCE. However, in this book, he rightly puts forth asset specificity alongside opportunism and bounded rationality as the three legs of TCE. "Any attempt to deal seriously with the study of economic organization must come to terms with the combined ramifications of bounded rationality and opportunism in conjunction with a condition of asset specificity" (P42), which is assumed to be the most critical dimension of TCE (P30). Without asset specificity, markets are believed to be in a competitive world even if people are opportunistic and rationally bounded. This is because buyers and sellers can freely move between market players.

In contrast, uncertainty and frequency drop down a tad bit in the scheme of things. Now, they are supposed to be meaningful in presence of first three elements only. Conceptually, this makes a lot of sense. Take for example, if market players are uncertain about the outcomes, but they believe in the fairness of the parties to contract, the market mechanism would be adequate to deal with all the contingencies since the players would share equitably in the profits. However, we understand that such a behavioral assumption would be wrong since opportunism and bounded rationality are common behavioral traits. What intrigues me, albeit, is that if they are such common traits, then why they should even be made variables in the model. After all, a variable that doesn't vary is no variable at all. It is not surprisingly, therefore, to see most literature to refer only to asset specificity, uncertainty and frequency as the three pillars of TCE. Williamson himself seems to acknowledge this in a subsequent chapter when he mentions that "principal dimensions for describing transactions are frequency, uncertainty and asset specificity (P242)."

After outlaying his conception of economic fundamentals, Williamson proceeds on to explain the boundaries of firm, which is to say what transactions will take place in market and what within the hierarchically organized structures. In his opinion, if the expected costs or risk of transacting in a marketplace are higher than the cost of organizing the functions internally, then such transactions will take place within the firm. If we ignore his exaggerated claims, this is indeed novel and useful approach at looking the firm size and boundaries. No longer is the size of firm held irrelevant as is the case in classical economics. No longer is it believed that the firms will operate at marginal cost whether they produce internally or buy externally. It opens up a can of worms that classical economics under its perfect market and equilibrium economics assumptions puts aside as aberrations. This is a welcome change in the approach to the study of industrial economics.

Next, Williamson moves on to the main theme of the book: providing alternative explanations vertical integration, mergers and monopolies, and joining issues with anti-trust enforcements. He believes that vertical integration results not because of technological determinism or a desire for monopolistic power but from a pragmatic desire to economize on transaction costs. In the similar vein, he contends that non-standard contracting practices such as long-term contracts are not monopolistic practices, but perfectly justifiable attempts at minimizing transaction costs. Further, he attributes such decisions "to a condition of asset specificity (P86)" since asset specificity in conjunction with uncertainty "makes it more imperative to organize transactions within the governance structure that have the capacity to work things out (P79)." The author makes a persuasive case for five out of six hypotheses on the boundaries of firm. However, his fifth hypothesis that claims that "firms will never integrate for production reasons alone" seems a little far-stretched. The fact that some firms organize for efficiency reasons doesn't and can't automatically preclude the fact that some firms organize for monopolistic or technological reasons. Once again, the author's case would have been better served by refraining from such overstatements.

Next, Williamson turns his attention to analysis of such arrangements as can neither be classified as market contracts nor as hierarchical structures, but fall somewhere in between. Also known as hybrid structures, these include credible commitments, joint ventures, relational contracting, hostage models, reciprocal arrangements, and network relationships. His main claim is that even when such arrangements appear to be exercise of monopolistic power, they may be justifiable from transaction cost perspective. "A comparative institutional assessment of contractual alternatives discloses that efficiency purposes are often served by hostages and it is in the mutual interest of the parties to achieve that result. Not only can producers be induced to invest in the mutual interest of the parties to invest in the most efficient technology, but buyers can be induced to take delivery whenever demand realizations exceed marginal cost." Interesting proposition, but it doesn't explain the impact on the hostage (e.g. P&G) if the monopoly (e.g. Wal-Mart) decides to dump it! His second main claim derives from Coase's 1960 article on problem of social cost. Recall Coase's claim that when people are left to bargain among themselves, most economic externalities can be better resolved than when courts or other non-market interventions take place. Williamson develops on this proposition and claims that parties to a contract don't normally take recourse to courts, but try to use "private ordering" to resolve their disputes. I would presume this would chiefly be out of concern for future business relations.

Let's wrap up this review with a summary of strengths and weaknesses. For the strengths, I will let the Williamson speak for himself. To quote him,
"As compared with other approaches to the study of economic organizations, transaction cost economics (1) is more micro-analytic (2) is more self-conscious about its behavioral assumptions (3) introduces and develops the economic importance of asset specificity (4) relies more on comparative institutional analysis (5) regards the business firm as a governance structure rather than as a production function and (6) places greater weight on the ex-post institutions of the contract, with special emphasis on private ordering as compared with court ordering."
-Williamson, P387

While the theory is conceptually persuasive and logically sound, a principal weakness of transaction cost analysis lies in its post-facto nature of analysis. Notwithstanding Williamson's superb efforts, it has been rather difficult to define it in a way that it can be measured and tested. The theory in its current formulation continues to be plagued with a criticism that it's tautological in nature, after all ex-post facto any system can be shown to be economizing on transaction cost or at least that it will be eventually replaced if it doesn't. Therefore, transaction cost economics needs to find variables with predictive powers.

Williamson mentions three limitations of his work- its crude form, instrumentalism, and incompleteness. To me, these appeared more to be challenges for future research rather than any weaknesses in the theory. Besides occasional excessive enthusiasm and exaggerations and the difficulty in operationalization of the concept, a major challenge in reading this book is to be prepared to learn a new language! Williamson's choice of words lives a reader with no less an impression.

Overall, Williamson does a superb job in developing the transaction cost economics that had first appeared in Coase's 1937 article 'nature of firm', but had been left untouched until this work because of difficulties in operationalization and empirical testing. Williamson succeeded in overcoming most of these challenges and it is for the future researchers to meet the rest.


Williamson, Oliver. The Economic Institutions of Capitalism. 1st. New York: The Free Press, 1985.

Book Review - The Economic Institutions Of Capitalism By Oliver Williamson

Punit Arora is a research scholar on management and public policy.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What Really Sells in Mail Order Magazines

You can only make money with the Mail Order Magazines if you understand exactly WHO reads them. The Mail Order Magazines are trade papers read almost exclusively by Mail Order Dealers or by Opportunity Seekers, who are in reality aspiring Mail Order Dealers. They will only buy merchandise that will help them in the operation of a Mail Order Business.

It is almost always a waste of money to advertise merchandise which is intended for general consumption in the Mail Order Magazines... unless you are offering it on a wholesale or drop-ship basis.

Bargain Books Wholesale

Below is a brief description of 22 products or services that can be sold successfully through the Mail Order Magazines.

1. RUBBER STAMPS - Every Mail Order Dealer purchases at least one name and address rubber stamp. He also purchases "stock stamps" with slogans such as "Big Mails Wanted", "Commission Circulars Wanted", "Third Class Mail", "Your Ad Solicited", etc. Rubber stamps sell well in the Mail Order magazines because dealers use them in the conduct of their business.

2. MAILING LISTS - Mail Order Dealers constantly buy mailing lists of the ever present Opportunity Seekers, New Mothers, Book Buyers, Gift Buyers, etc. You can sell mailing lists on plain paper or gummed labels. Naturally you can charge more for the lists on gummed labels.

3. BIG MAILS - Anyone who regularly advertises "Big Mails" in the Mail Order magazines will get orders for them. Big Mails consists of envelopes full of Mail Order Magazines, Adsheets and circulars of every imaginable kind. The "Big Mail Order Dealer" earns his profit by selling a variety of sizes of ad space and subscriptions in the publications which he co-publishes. He also makes money from the items offered on the circulars which he includes in his big mails.

4. CIRCULAR MAILING SERVICE - Set up an efficient, and a good dependable mailing service so that dealers can get their circulars into the hands of real Mail Order buyers, advertise it regularly in the Mail Order Magazines. and you will soon have all the circular mailing business you can possibly handle.

5. PRINTING - Every mail order dealer buys printing. He buys envelopes, sales letters, circulars, booklets, catalogs, adsheets, brochures, price lists, letterheads, mail order magazines and a thousand other things. If you do mimeographing, letter press or offset printing, advertise your service in the mail order magazines. It is probably the mail order magazines' Number One All-Time Profit Maker.

6. INFORMATION FOLIOS - Mail order dealers will always buy information that will help them succeed in the mail order business. Folios that deal with any practical aspect of mail order selling can be sold through the mail order magazines. If you have produced your own folio and are willing to drop-ship orders for other dealers you will definitely make money.

7. DROP-SHIP AND WHOLESALE OFFERS - If you have a large stock of merchandise which is suitable for mail order sales, and are willing to supply it on a drop-ship (single order at wholesale prices) or on a wholesale basis, then you should advertise in the Mail Order Magazines. Dealers are constantly looking for new products to sell by mail. If you plan to sell on a wholesale basis only, you should offer your product in very small wholesale lots, if possible. Most Mail Order Dealers are part-timers and do not have vast sums of money to invest in untested merchandise.

8. SAMPLE COPIES OF MAIL ORDER MAGAZINES - Mail order dealers have a very insatiable appetite for new mail trade magazines, which is why hundreds of them come into existence and then disappear every year. If you publish or co-publish a mail order magazine, advertise sample copies of it in other publications and you will get requests for it.

Regard your sample copy as a "leader item" or as a "good will builder". It should be your way of getting your other offers into the hands of a very many prospective mail order buyers. You will probably sell some ads, but do not expect to sell too many subscriptions. Except for a few of the leading publications, very few people subscribe to mail order magazines.

9. GUMMED LABELS - Labels of any kind are "naturals" for many of the Mail Order Magazines. (Name and address labels, shipping labels, addressing labels, slogan labels, etc.)

10. NAME LISTING SERVICE - Whether he admits it or not, most every mail order dealer is a "Big Mail Addict". If you compile mailing lists and work with another dealer who does, dealers will pay to put their names on the lists. You can advertise you name listing service in any mail order magazine and get orders for it.

11. COMMISSION CIRCULARS - There are circular mailers who watch every issue of every mail order magazine, always looking for new sources of commission circulars. There is no better way to advertise commission circulars than by placing ads in the mail order magazines.

12. COPY WRITING SERVICE - If you have a natural flair for writing ads, sales letters and circulars... and if you have a good basic knowledge of mail order selling , you can sell your services through many of the better mail order magazines. There are very few good mail order copy writers at present. Here is a very basic need... can you fill it?

13. AD DESIGN - Another service which is greatly in demand, the commercial artist who can create eye-catching ads and circulars which dealers can use to sell their products. There are only a few dealers who are now offering this service, but there is room for a dozen or so.

14. TYPESETTING - Most mail order printers and magazines now require "camera-ready" copy. This had created a big demand for dealers who offer a quality, reasonably price typesetting service. At present there are dealers who do mail order typesetting that have so much business they don't even bother to advertise..

Related to typesetting, are the "clip-art" books which are used by dealers who prepare their own "camera-ready" copy... Right now as always, you'll find clip-art books advertised in mail order publications.

15. PEN PAL, LONELY HEARTS MAGAZINES - For some reason, you will find that the mail order magazines have always been good places to sell these types of publications. It may be because they are the only kinds of magazines, other than the mail order magazines that are co-publishable.

Most mail order magazines will accept ads for legitimate matrimonial and pen pal magazines; however, very few will accept any "adults only" ads. Too many readers object and some mail order dealers are minors.

16. HOBBY MAGAZINES - You can sell almost any kind of hobby publications through the mail order magazines. This is because many dealers handle hobby merchandise and are always looking for new ways to sell it. Many dealers and readers are hobbyists and collectors themselves.

17. FORMULAS - Dealers buy formulas for two reasons. Some dealers reprint the formula and sell it by running ads in national publications. ("Sure way to kill cockroaches", etc.) Some even manufacture the product itself and sell it by mail.

Closely related to formula selling is recipes selling. If you can create new recipes or have exceptional ones, you advertise and sell recipes over and over again.

18. CATALOGS - If you can produce low cost catalogs which dealers can mail to their customers offering books, novelties, gift items, baby merchandise, printed forms, etc., you would be well advised to offer your services in the mail order magazines.

19. UNPRINTED DEALERS MERCHANDISE - If you can supply merchandise which the dealer can use in his mail order business, at bargain prices, you can sell it profitably in the mail order magazines. Examples: unprinted envelopes, typewriter ribbons, addressing labels, stencils, scratch pads, etc. There are a few successful dealers who even sell large, bulky items like typewriters, mimeograph machines, file cabinets, paper cutters, and printing presses by mail.

20. AD SPACE - Every mail order dealer buys ad space. If you publish or co-publish a mail order magazine, tabloid or adsheet, you can sell ad space by advertising it in other mail order magazines.

21. ADS TO RUN UNDER YOUR OWN NAME - Can you supply ready-made ad copies which other dealers can run under their own names and fill their orders on a drop ship basis? If so, print up your ads and sell them through the mail order magazines. If you can supply "camera ready" ads and circulars, so much the better!

22. MAIL ORDER PLANS - Opportunity seekers are always looking for new mail order plans. If you have some practical legitimate workable plans that others can use to make money by mail, print them up and advertise them in the mail order magazines.

You will find that 99% of all the ads in the mail order magazines fall into one of the categories listed above. If you are selling a product or service that fits into one of these categories, you can safely advertise it in the mail order magazines.

Copyright 2004 by DeAnna Spencer

What Really Sells in Mail Order Magazines

DeAnna Spencer is a virtual assistant that helps entrepreneurs run a successful business by providing affordable administrative help. She also publishes a blog for small business owners. Visit this small business resource today.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Different Brands of Wholesale Scrubs

Nursing scrubs & uniforms can be obtainable at discounted prices & discounts, & even also at striking cheap prices from a lot of primary companies in this business. Crest Uniforms, Cherokee Uniforms, Dickies, & Landau Uniforms are amongst the majority of well liked brands obtainable.

"Cherokee" has recognized itself as single of the peak ten brands for women's clothes while 1972. Well-known for comfort & fashion, "Cherokee" has also shaped a fun environment with its tooniforms featuring caricatures for entertaining children in kid's hospitals. Its medicinal uniforms, scrubs, nursing uniforms, scrub tops, lab coats, hospital work wear, medical scrubs, surgical scrubs, & hospital uniform are obtainable at cheap charge as well.


The "Landau brand" is well-known for its high worth & skilled designs. Very much quality conscious, "Landau" makes scrubs & uniforms that are planned to make sure greater relieve & ease of movement. They are completed from high class fabrics, ensuing in high toughness.

"Crest", also offer excellent uniforms & scrubs at enormous prices. These scrubs & uniforms are not only relaxed, but also long lasting & stylish. In adding together, they are stain resistant & do not permit color to lighten away with no trouble.

"Medical scrubs", or medicinal dress, have turn into the uniform of persons who toil in the medicinal field. Today's medicinal scrubs are obtainable in a lot of patterns, designs, colors & materials. It is simple to decide the best medicinal scrub for your requirements. The net offers a wide collection of medicinal scrubs completed by various brands. If you desire to take benefit of comprehensive discounts, you can pond buying wealth with your age group & buy in volume. This will worsen the per piece cost for everybody in the group.

You will discover varieties of brand like "Cherokee, Dickies & Barco" obtainable if you desire to pay money for scrubs online. The online acquisition of scrubs will contain the designs, the code records & the prototype available. The scrubs & the uniform are obtainable in diverse sizes & patterns. They are all outstandingly tailored, with tiny attention to aspect.

To buy scrubs & uniforms on net, have a gaze at the directory for cheap & reasonably priced medical scrubs. a lot of stores also buy these scrubs & uniforms, & these are sold at reduction price as well.

You will get nearer to quite a few stores where you can buy scrubs on net or in personal. Most suppliers will have dimension charts for the kind of scrub you desire to have.

Different Brands of Wholesale Scrubs

For Clothes Uniform Work and Wholesale Scrubs

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Wholesale Floral Supplies to Create Professional Looking Flower Arrangements

Have you ever wondered why you can never really get your bouquets to look the same as the arrangements that you see at the florist shops? One of the reasons is probably that you don't have as much experience and training, but that is not the only reason.

Florists use special floral supplies in order to make more perfect looking arrangements. You can buy the same supplies at craft stores and some florist shops and then you will have better luck with your own flower arrangements.

Bargain Books Wholesale

First of all, you will want to start with the best flowers. You want to trim them right before you put them in the arrangement, and you should put a preservative in the water in order to help keep your arrangement looking nice for longer. These are a couple florist tricks that can help, and don't require a lot of special floral supplies.

One of the most useful types of floral supplies is reusable florist foam. You can use this foam in order to hold the flowers right where you want them in the vase or container. The foam soaks up water so that the flowers still get enough water while they are in the arrangement.

You can put in a piece of foam that is taller than the container in order to make it easier to arrange flowers with shorter stems. Just be sure to choose a foam that is easy enough for your stems to stick into without breaking. You should use some waterproof florist tape in order to hold the foam in place, otherwise it might float in the water, which wouldn't give you the right look for your arrangement.

Although foam can be really useful, it doesn't look that nice in vases that are clear or see through. In these situations, floral supplies that can help include different sizes of metal frogs. These are not as easy to work with as the foam, but you can hold them in place with florist's clay and with a little practice you can use them to make beautiful arrangements in clear vases.

As mentioned before, floral supplies aren't the only reason that professional florists are able to make such wonderful arrangements. They also have training and experience.

You can find a number of books and websites on the subject of flower arranging though that can give you some ideas, tips, and tricks to improve your own flower arranging skills.

Wholesale Floral Supplies to Create Professional Looking Flower Arrangements

For those wanting to design beautiful arrangements like the professionals, there are a lot of floral supplies you can purchase. Laura Bowman goes over the various supplies needed from floral ribbon to floral foam to floral mirrors, and how you can purchase many items at wholesale prices.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Wholesale Boxers

Buying items wholesale means that you can either buy a minimum amount of goods at a huge discount or purchase items at factory prices because you get them in bulk. This applies to all items that can be manufactured and mass-produced, such as clothing and other garments like underwear.

If you wish to buy boxer shorts in bulk, you can go directly to the manufacturer. As long as you order the minimum quantity to warrant a discount, then you can purchase them. Given the large quantities that wholesale purchasing entails, most wholesale purchases are made by big retail stores that can afford to have them in stock for future sales. However, there are a few companies that allow smaller orders since they also cater to companies that may opt to buy boxer shorts for promotional purposes, such as advertising.


Custom-made boxer shorts

Although the prices of these custom-made boxer shorts are not as low as those of mass-produced boxer shorts, their price is still relatively lower compared to the ones in retail stores. The companies that provide these products will offer you the option of printing your company logo or other designs that will fit your requirements. This allows you to be flexible in the use of these boxer shorts.

In fact, this underwear can make great gifts during corporate shows, trade shows and even for your own employees. The minimum orders for these boxer shorts are relatively smaller than those that at retail stores, making it easy for you to purchase them even if you have a tight budget.

Boxer shorts can be used for promotional purposes, as some companies offer customized boxer shorts that fit your advertising needs. Buying boxer shorts in bulk not only allows you to employ a unique way of advertising, but also helps you take advantage of wholesale discounts.

Wholesale Boxers

Boxers provides detailed information on Boxers, Boxer Briefs, Boxer Shorts, Silk Boxers and more. Boxers is affiliated with Military Shoulder Patches [].

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Benefits of Having More Than One Book to Sell

Writing the second book is one of the best things any author can do. It may not be an easy thing to do, and it may not always seem worthwhile at first, but numerous reasons exist for why writing a second book is one of the best ways to reap the greatest benefits from your role as author.

Whether you are traditionally published or self-published, once your first book is out in public, you as the author have to commit a great deal of time to marketing it. This commitment can be exciting and exhilarating, but it can also be exhausting and time-consuming. You may find yourself putting so much time and energy into promoting your first book that you don't have time left over for the second book. Perhaps you even wrote the first book, not because you like to write, but to boost your public speaking career or to look like an expert in your field to increase your business; you may feel your first book accomplished that goal, so you don't need a second book. Whatever the case, good reasons exist for why writing the second book should be an integral part of your business plan.

Bargain Books

"Why? My first book isn't even selling," you might say. Maybe not, but a second book will help make that first one sell. Here are some primary reasons why:

Increased Expert Recognition. The first book has made some people perceive you as an expert on your book's topic. While many people will be impressed by you and think you are a celebrity just because you wrote a book, you won't impress everyone. Let's face it-especially if you're a self-published author, some people will view you as an amateur. Writing that second book shows that you are committed to being an author, that you are professional, that writing, or at least the topic you write about, is your primary career focus. A second book is a great addition to your credentials. People like Variety. People might have noticed but not been sold on buying your first book. But when the second book comes out, it gives them a push to buy. They now have an option between books-they now have a choice, and people like choices. People will now notice both books and rather than ask themselves, "Should I buy this book?" the question will become, "Which book should I buy?" Many people will decide to buy both to avoid having to make the decision. People Don't Want to Be Left Behind. When a second book comes out, it makes people who haven't read the first book feel like they are behind the times and better hurry to catch up. The second book's publication will then encourage them to buy and read the first book. I know many authors who have reported that their first book continually outsells subsequent books because people want to start with the first one, and each time a new book comes out, the first book's sales go up. People who buy the first book may never get around to reading the second or third book, but at least you got them to buy the first one. People Like to Get a Deal. People always like a bargain. Even if it's just saving a dollar or two, if they think they are getting a deal, they are more likely to buy. If you have two books, you can sell them together and let customers know they will save 10 percent, or whatever amount you decide on, if they buy the books together. You Already Have an Audience-So Sell to It. If people already bought your first book, a good percentage of them are likely to buy the second. Why do you think movie studios make sequels to films? Because a fair percentage, probably 50 percent or more, of those people who saw the first movie will come back to see the second. If people like your first book, they're more likely to read your second book, and they'll choose it over another book by an author they don't know because it's more of a sure thing.Writing that second book can only increase your sales and strengthen your position as an author. And once the second book takes off, the more you write, the more people will be curious about you and want to read more. Agatha Christie hasn't sold 2 billion copies, half of them thirty-five years after her death, by writing just one book. She wrote eighty-and only the Bible has outsold her. Would Harry Potter have been so successful if J.K. Rowling only wrote one book? You know the answer. Get that second book on paper or your laptop as quickly as possible.

The Benefits of Having More Than One Book to Sell

Irene Watson is the Managing Editor of Reader Views, where avid readers can find reviews of recently published books as well as read interviews with authors. Her team also provides author publicity and a variety of other services specific to writing and publishing books.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Coloring Products For Kids - Tips For Parents and Teachers

Coloring pages are a simple and easy way to keep kids happy and entertained while they are learning. The internet is the perfect medium for finding and producing coloring products for kids. Coloring pages are now available in digital form e.g. pdf files. Simply find the pages your child likes, order the product and print out the pages. It's the perfect use of the internet - simple and affordable.

The alternative is to buy coloring books in a shop or order the physical coloring book online. If you order the physical book online, it can take ages to receive it. Then you have to wait for the item to be delivered. If you buy a coloring product in digital form, you receive it within minutes of purchase. Normally, once your payment is made, an email is instantly sent to you and includes your purchase.

Bargain Books Wholesale

Digital coloring pages are much cheaper than expensive coloring books. You can print pages over and over again, whereas traditional products only allow each page to be colored once. You can decide what pages to print. There are pages kids will like and pages they will not want to color. Digital coloring books give you the choice of which pages to print and quantity of pages.

If you are only printing pages you want, there's less wasted paper, so you are also doing your bit for the environment. You don't have to store physical coloring books. All of the coloring books are stored on your computer or storage device such as a DVD. The internet has made many things easier for us, and this is one great example of this.

Coloring Products For Kids - Tips For Parents and Teachers

S.C. Connolly

Visit [] to find out more!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

How Many Books Will I Sell During My Book Launch? Top 10 Most Frequently Asked Questions by Authors

As a book promotion expert, I receive a LOT of requests for consultations from authors who are preparing to publish their books. Some are experienced authors who have published in the past, either self-published or through a royalty publisher. Others are first-time (and usually self-published) authors. During our initial consultation, I tend to hear many of the same questions again and again. As these questions are so key to authors before they decide whether or not to do a full-blown "bestseller launch" for their book, I thought it might be a good idea to pull together my "Top 10 Most Frequently Asked Questions" I am asked by authors on almost a daily basis.

Q1: How many books will I sell during my online book launch?

Bargain Books Wholesale

First of all, let's define "the launch" as a 24-48 hour period of time in which we will be driving traffic to buy your book. Asking how many books you will sell during that time is really like asking "How long is a piece of string?" It depends upon so many factors that we can only, at best, give a very broad figure. I have had clients who sell as few as 50 books during a launch and others who have sold around 1000. The average self-published author tends to sell between 300 and 500 books during a launch. Those with major publishers might sell twice that amount, not necessarily because the publisher helps with your promotion, but more because people recognise the "brand identity" of the publisher and are more willing to take a chance on the title. And of course, if you are not a first-time author you will probably sell more books if people know your name already. The key to selling more books is to devote a fair amount of time well before your launch to cultivate and grow your audience. That's why I spend the first two months of work with my clients developing strategies and systems to build their platform and mailing list before anything else.

Q2: How do I become an Amazon bestseller?

If your book sales are amongst the Top 100 in any category on Amazon, you are technically a "bestseller." You don't have to be in the Top 100 of all books. There are dozens of categories and sub-categories on Amazon, and if you achieve a sales ranking in the Top 100 in any of these, you can say you are a bestseller. Of course, it is always nice to hit the "Top 20" or the "Top 5" or (best of all) the #1 sales rank in one or more categories.

Q3: How many books do I need to sell to be an Amazon bestseller?

Again, this is not a question I can answer definitively because being an "Amazon bestseller" is a relative title, and it depends upon: 1) how well other books in your categories are selling on your launch day and 2) how competitive your categories are. Some categories like "Religion and Spirituality" or "Business and Investing" are extremely competitive with thousands of titles up against many famous authors for the top position on the list. Other categories, such as "channelling" or "alternative medicine" are less competitive.

Q4: How can I choose the category I will be in on Amazon?

Long story short: you can't. Amazon places your book in categories according to their own criteria. Even major publishers have told me they have no real control over this. Some authors find their books placed in very strange categories. However, your best bet to get your book in the RIGHT category is to do some market research to find out which categories other titles appear that you feel are the closest in content or message to your own book. Then, make sure that your title, subtitle, back cover copy and description use keywords that help point the folks at Amazon in the right direction.

Q5: Why don't I see my book listed in a category on my Amazon listing?

You won't see your book listed in a category unless it is in the Top 100 of that category. Until that time, all you will see is its overall sales rank, which changes every hour. Amazon US and Canada change at the top of the hour, while Amazon UK tends to change at 40 minutes past the hour.

Q6: How can I find out in which categories Amazon will place my book?

It's not always 100% reliable, but the best way to "guess" which categories you will appear is to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the screen until you see the words, "Look for Similar Items by Category." There you will see several suggested categories that are likely to be where your book will be placed when ranked.

Q7: How can I track my rankings?

So far, Amazon does not have any legacy tracking system for rankings, which means you basically have to watch the rankings yourself like a hawk during the launch, as they change every hour. Typically, my clients and I stay up for the full 24 hour period in shifts, in constant communication on Skype, to watch the rankings. The only way I have found so far to "log" your success is to take screen shots. I use the program "Jing Pro" for this. There is a free version, but the Pro version is very reasonable, and has many worthwhile features. You can download it at DO take screenshots of EVERY stage of your rankings. They make great images to add to your promotions when you are sharing the success of your book with readers, media and event managers. To track your rankings for OVERALL book sales, see question 8.

Q8: How can I track my actual sales?

Tracking sales is another matter altogether. Of course, the most reliable method is when you receive your royalty report and payment from your publisher or printer. However, these can some to you months after your launch. There are two ways I have discovered that can give you ball-park figure of your sales during a launch. Once is to use your Amazon Associates link on your purchase page, in which case you will see the sales appear within a few days in your Associates account. Another is to use an online tracker such as Novel Rank at, which can show sales on a daily and monthly basis. They also show, in numbers and in graph format, your overall sales rankings (not category rankings) over a given period. Bear in mind, to get the best from this service, you need to start tracking your book on their site several weeks in advance of your launch.

Q9: How much money will I make on book sales during my launch?

This depends completely upon:

How many books you sell The retail price of your book The cost of printing your book What your royalty arrangement is with your publisher (if you have one) Whether or not you use your Associates account for sales.

Let's say you have a 250 page book that sells for and you sell 500 books on your launch day. That is a gross intake of 00. Amazon pays you according to whatever wholesale "discount" you have agreed to sell your books to them. Let's say you have agreed to sell your book to them for a 55% discount off the retail price (a fairly common figure, although this can vary). That means they will pay your publisher 45% of gross, which is 75. If you are the publisher, you will receive that money from Amazon.

From that amount, you need to deduct your printing costs. The cost of printing a 250 page book through a company like Lightning Source is around .15 (.90 per unit and then .013 per page), which means 500 books would cost 75. Deduct that from what Amazon will pay you, and that leaves a net profit of around 00.

If you are going 100% self-published, you will make the whole 00. But if you are receiving a percentage of net from your publisher, you would take the percentage from this amount. Many subsidiary presses take 50% of net, which means you would make 0on 500 books. If you are working with a royalty publisher who pays you a given percentage of retail or net, you will have to calculate it accordingly.

If you use your Amazon Associates link during your launch, you can earn between 4% and 7% of your retail sales as a commission. In other words, if Amazon were to sell 500 books at (although they will tend to sell it at a lower price), you would make an extra .60 - .05 per unit. You ALSO make a commission if your buyers happen to buy other products at the same time. It all adds up, so it's worth making sure your links are in place during a launch.

Please note that these figures are accurate as of this edit (July 26th, 2011).

Q10: What's the real benefit of doing an Amazon bestseller launch?

I'll be honest with you: it costs a heck of a lot more to run a bestseller launch than you will receive in immediate monetary returns. I think you have probably already deduced that doing an Amazon bestseller launch is NOT going to make you lots of money selling books. So it does beg the question why people bother to do them at all, and why people like me are continually booked months in advance to do these launches.

So here are some of the real advantages of doing an Amazon launch:

It builds your online platform significantly, which ultimately leads to more business for you It establishes long-term relationships with dozens of networking partners It raises your credibility as a professional, which has an impact upon your income It establishes you as a leading expert in your field, making you a sought-after media guest and keynote speaker It just plain feels great to say you're a bestselling (especially a #1 selling) author

Deciding to do a bestseller campaign should not be an impulsive decision, nor should it be entered with rose-coloured glasses. My most successful clients are those who entered our work relationship with this level of understanding. They did not have unrealistic expectations, and they took the "kudos" of their bestseller status to build stronger and more viable businesses that could only have come about as a result of their Amazon bestseller campaign. I think most of these would tell you their decision to do a launch made a positive difference in their business.

I hope this article is useful to any of you who are currently preparing to publish a book in the coming year. Please do leave comments below and feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this content.

How Many Books Will I Sell During My Book Launch? Top 10 Most Frequently Asked Questions by Authors

Lynn Serafinn is a transformation coach, book promotion coach, radio host and bestselling author of the book The Garden of the Soul: lessons from four flowers that unearth the Self, as well as the upcoming book The 7 Graces of Marketing: how to heal humanity and the planet by changing the way we sell. She also works as a campaign manager for mind-body-spirit authors and has produced several #1-selling book campaigns. She is the founder/creator of Spirit Authors, a virtual learning environment and community that offers training, coaching, business-building and inspiration for mind-body-spirit authors, whether established or aspiring. As part of her work with spiritual and self-help authors, she also regularly hosts large-scale online virtual events (usually free of charge) with world-class speakers on a range of mind-body-spirit topics. Subscribe to her Spirit Authors blog at so you can receive more useful tips and news about upcoming online events. While you are there, do check out the excellent and affordable online courses for authors available. If you are an author seeking 1-to-1 support or campaign management for your upcoming book launch, you are also invited to request a free consultation by filling in a contact form at Please note that full service campaigns require a 6 to 8 month lead-in time, so be sure to contact Lynn well in advance of publishing your book.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Where to Buy Amazon Kindle For Sale - Free Ship and Wholesale Deals

One of the trendiest and best devices for anyone who wants to read is the Amazon Kindle for sale. If you are ready to enjoy the best of books, so you can save the time and money of old fashioned reading, then start by finding the best deals regular, free ship and wholesale deals online. And start reading differently.

This particular device is one that is expected to revolutionize the world of reading and books in a completely new way, and is beginning with over 200,000 titles available to readers everywhere. The reading device of the Amazon Kindle is known as one of the newest and best ways to read any book you desire.

Bargain Books Wholesale

However, finding the right deal may also be important.

At Amazon, the pricing for this particular device was at an average of 9 - 9 for the price. Recently they cropped off the top price of its second-generation e-book reader, which now carries a more reasonable price tag of 9. This is combined with e-book downloads that are at an average of each, depending on the book that you decide to get.

If you want to spend more money on the electronic book, and less on the device, then it begins with finding the best store. Wholesale options that offer deals and bargains is the place that you want to begin with.

Finding the portable e-book reader that is at a lower price doesn't just mean that you will have the disadvantage of a cheap e-book reader. The same quality and value are available through us, with the only difference being the amount of money you spend on getting the newest and trendiest device to read books with.

Enjoy the best of the e-book revolution for reading with a portable device.

Where to Buy Amazon Kindle For Sale - Free Ship and Wholesale Deals

Find useful resources, latest information, honest customer reviews, about new kindle DX 3G and best options for Amazon Kindle Sale. Find lowest prices and deals for amazon kindle books online too.
Buy your own kindle 3g, version 2, dx electronic book reader, 1000s of digital content from Amazon Kindle Freeship Wholesale Deals available here.

Plastic Cups & Wholesale Multifold Paper Towels - Among Household Items to Buy in Bulk

Buying bulk aluminum foil and c-fold paper towels can help families save money while ensuring they never run out of supplies.

Nowadays there are plenty of places to purchase household items like multifold paper towels and plastic cups wholesale, but do these items top the list of the best household items to buy in bulk?


After all, there are all kinds of detergents, household cleaning products, home office supplies and kitchen supplies like bulk aluminum foil that could also be considered. Well, we've taken the guesswork and the math out of the equation.

Here are the Top 5 household items that can be bought in bulk:

No. 5 - Kitchen wraps: Some prefer plastic wrap, while others use bulk aluminum foil to cover food in the refrigerator. Either way, there are items that are perfect to buy in bulk. Aluminum foil has a seemingly endless amount of uses and, like plastic wrap, never goes bad. Pick up some bulk aluminum foil and stash the extra rolls in the storage closet or the basement. They will get used.

No. 4 - Plastic Cups: Wholesale stores and internet sites now sell quality plastic cups in bulk. Remember those 16-ounce red plastic cups? Well, they aren't just for parties anymore. They are strong enough to survive most household dishwashers, and they are inexpensive enough to be useful when unexpected guests arrive and you don't feel like doing the dishes. There are plenty of uses for these cups, so save some money and buy plastic cups wholesale.

No. 3 - Detergents: There will always be laundry that needs to be cleaned. Bathrooms will constantly need scrubbing. Kitchen counters are used every day. Save money on laundry detergent, bathroom cleaner and all purpose cleaners by purchasing them in bulk.

No. 2 - Hand sanitizer: It's not a pleasant thought, but the reality is that germs will always exist. Whether the host was a person or a dirty surface, these germs are frequently spread through hand contact. Keeping plenty of Purell hand sanitizer around the house will help ward off illness before it sneaks its way through the front door.

No. 1 - Paper towels: Whether they come on a roll, as multifold paper towels (also known as c-fold towels) or in napkin form, there is always a need for paper towels. Is there anything worse than spilling something all over the counter, then realizing there are no paper towels left? Roll paper towels are easily dispensed. Multi-fold paper towels and napkins tend to stack readily, making storage easy. C-fold towels also tend to be stronger than their single-ply roll counterparts and while a c-fold towels dispenser is nice, it's not a necessity.

One great aspect of every product on this list is that they are all relatively inexpensive when sold as single units, which makes them even more affordable when purchased in bulk. So grab these items and let the savings begin.

Plastic Cups & Wholesale Multifold Paper Towels - Among Household Items to Buy in Bulk

Monday, November 7, 2011

Wholesale Clothes Online - Big Profits From Plus Size Women's Clothes at Wholesale Prices

Shoppers always look for bargains and for merchandise that they can purchase at cheap prices. Now that online shopping is very easy to do using the internet, there is a great demand for wholesale products. There is a huge market for wholesale clothes and many online retailers are now selling clothes at wholesale prices. With a product niche like plus size women's clothes, you should be able to get a substantial share of the clothes business.

Until recently, plus size women's clothes were largely ignored even by designers and clothes manufacturers. This is sad because large women also want to wear fashionable and stylish clothes. Fortunately, plus size women's clothes that are beautifully designed are now available. Customers can even buy them at wholesale prices.


Always make sure that the clothes you sell are stylish and of good quality. Prices must be affordable so take time to look for a wholesale clothes supplier who can provide highly discounted products. If necessary, look for suppliers from Asian countries because they usually have the best prices. It is easy to contact overseas suppliers on Salehoo. Salehoo has thousands of reputable suppliers and many of them are wholesale clothes suppliers from countries like China, Korea and Hong Kong.

Clothes for large women must be well designed. Choose colors and prints that will make a large woman look slimmer. Having a good eye for fashion will also be a big advantage.

While you're at it, be sure to have petite plus size clothes available also. These are for women who stand 5'3" or less but are large. Naturally, they cannot wear regular plus size clothes.

Selling plus size women's clothes online is very profitable because there is a big market but not too much supply as of now. When you sell clothes online, you are expanding your boundaries beyond your locality. Clothes are very easy to package and ship, so shipping is no problem. There are also many places where plus size women have a hard time looking for fashionable clothes that will fit them. You can cater to their needs, increase your sales and bring in bigger profits.

Wholesale Clothes Online - Big Profits From Plus Size Women's Clothes at Wholesale Prices

70% Salehoo Discount. See More About: Wholesale Clothing Lots and Wholesale Clothing Liquidation.

Michelle Samual Williams has been a professional buyer for many multinational companies and in those 6 years of working, she has gathered crucial info in regards to the wholesale industry.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

You and Your Network - An Old, Hidden Gem of a Book and an Unexpected Networking Resource

You could say that one of my hobbies is collecting books. I own hundreds of business books on sales, marketing, and business development. If I haven't read every word, I've gone through significant portions of all of them. Except for my business networking books. There are close to fifty in my collection that are specifically on networking and I've read every word.

From Keith Ferrazzi to Bob Burg, I've studied the best in the business. But I also love to find quiet, unassuming self-published gems; usually used and at a bargain rate. Once in a while there is a real treasure that deserves more exposure.

Bargain Books

"You and Your Network: Getting the Most Out of Life" is by Fred Smith, not Frederick Smith, founder of FedEx, but Fred Smith whom you've never heard of even though he had a strong corporate career, ran his own company and was a popular speaker. That's okay, because you know who did hear of Fred Smith? Zig Ziglar and Charlie "Tremendous" Jones.

When I got the book in the mail, I looked at the unappealing cover (there's a tree on it) and then the back side where there are several testimonials. Zig said "I really do love the book..." and now that I've read it, I know what he means. I really loved it, too. And Charlie Jones said "Every chapter is flavored with wisdom, warmth and humility." Yes, you have to love a book where the author uses the sentence:

He was like a left-handed carpenter trying to drive a bent nail into a mahogany log with a banana.

I'm guessing that Mr. Smith was a fun speaker and an engaging guy in person. He wrote in a conversational way, without sloppy or slangy language. It's full of stories and examples which make it easier to read and follow.

The book really isn't about the nuts and bolts of networking, but instead talks to you about the people you want to surround yourself with. Each chapter is based on the kinds of people you will encounter and how to make the most out of that relationship, starting with you and including heroes, models, mentors, friends, enemies and family. Charlie "Tremendous" Jones was known for saying:

You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for two things, the people you meet and the books you read.

"You and Your Network" is a terrific book to read to help you meet the right kind of people to make a difference in your life.

You and Your Network - An Old, Hidden Gem of a Book and an Unexpected Networking Resource

Beth Bridges has attended over 2,000 networking events in the last 7 years as the Membership Director and Chief Networking Officer of a large west coast chamber of commerce. Beth's favorite chapter in this book is the one on Friends.

You can find this book from the publisher's website for under and it is a worthy investment.

You can enjoy Beth's enthusiasm and use her experience to help you increase and improve your networking and grow your business. Try the Networking Motivator Newsletter for free at

Copyright Beth Bridges, 2010

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Wholesale Roses - DIY Wedding Boutonnieres

Wedding flowers are unquestionably a huge part of any bride's budget. Many brides attempt to cut their wedding budget slightly by doing some of their own flowers. Although this can seem like a really challenging project to do just days before your wedding, but even making a few of your own floral arrangements can save you a significant amount of money.

Even if you don't think floral arranging is your thing, you can still save money on your wedding budget by making your own wedding boutonnieres using wholesale roses. Boutonnieres are very simple to make, but they can cost several dollars if ordered from a florist. This quickly adds up when you count up everyone who must have one: groom, groomsmen, ring bearer, ushers, fathers, and grandfathers. But you could need even more boutonnieres if you have any other men singing, doing a reading, or taking part in the ceremony in some other way.


After counting up the number of boutonnieres that are needed, you can select how many units of wholesale roses you need to order. It is a good idea to make sure that you have several extra in case you forget someone or some of the roses are too far opened.

Making the boutonniere just takes a few simple steps. First, choose a rose or two from the wholesale roses that you ordered. Cut the stem to about 3 inches. Arrange the rose with some greenery or a little bit of baby's breath and wrap green floral tape around the stems. If the stems seem to need extra support, a little floral wire can make the boutonniere more secure. Using thin satin ribbon in a coordinating color, tie a bow around the stem of the boutonniere, hiding as much of the floral tape and wire as you can.

Make sure to keep the boutonnieres in a cool, moist place until the wedding in order to keep them fresh and beautiful. Your wholesale roses should stay fresh for a several days, but remember that these boutonnieres will not have a water source, so do not make them too far in advance.

As many brides have already discovered, using wholesale roses for even a small portion of their wedding flowers can help them trim their wedding budget and make the wedding of their dreams a little more affordable.

Wholesale Roses - DIY Wedding Boutonnieres

Do you need to know where to find the best quality wholesale roses for your wedding? has top quality wholesale flowers for all occasions at low prices.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wholesale Candy Distributors

For people who sell candy in their businesses or through vending machines, it is very important to find a reliable supplier. This is because given the popularity of candy among consumers; supermarkets, groceries and vending machines that offer them, sellers need to have a constant supply of these products. In addition to being able to find a reliable supplier, another important consideration is finding a supplier that offers the best prices for his products, as this can ensure that retailers can also sell the candy at a good price. However, finding a supplier that fits this profile can be challenging as there are a large number of them to choose from, which can make the process of canvassing for a supplier not only time-consuming but exhausting as well.



One of the best ways to canvass is to do a research on the Internet for wholesale companies that sell candy. This is because searching the Internet not only exposes you to a wide array of choices with regard to different types of candy but it can also allow you to compare a number of companies right at the comfort of your home. In addition to this, the ease by which transactions are made online also provides a convenient way to purchase candy.

Things to consider

One of the first things to consider when you canvass for wholesalers is the price of their products, however, given the fierce competition online, you can expect that the prices of different candy products would be very competitive. Another important consideration is on how these companies would ship the products to you, as much as possible, you should get a company that has its own delivery system, but a company that uses reliable delivery services such as UPS and FedEx would also be a good option. Other considerations include the mode of payment for the goods, making sure that you receive the most "fresh" products, and the reliability of the company in being able to supply their products and other services.

Selling a popular product such as candy requires that you get a reliable supplier that not only provides you with adequate supply of candy but also the best prices as well. One of the best sources for such suppliers is the Internet, as canvassing for wholesale companies online can is very convenient because it allows you to have access to large number of companies who offer some of the best deals on candy in the market.

Wholesale Candy Distributors

Candy [] provides detailed information on Candy, Candy Fundraising, Wholesale Candy Distributors, Candy Recipes and more. Candy is affiliated with Birthday Party Favors.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Comic Book Conventions - 3 Awful Truths About Selling at Comic Cons

There are thousands of comic conventions held across the country each year. Local comic cons in your nearby city can draw nice crowds and the large national cons in San Diego and Chicago are packed houses with hundreds of thousands of eager comic buyers.

So, selling your comic books at conventions can potentially produce big money for you, but you should be prepared to accept 3 awful truths...

Bargain Books Wholesale

1. The awful truth about national comic cons. Buying space to sell your comics at national cons will be expensive and will sell out quickly. You may also have to travel a long way to get there. If this happens you'll need to figure out a way to transport your comic books there and pay for hotel and sleeping room space. Overall, this is going to be an expensive experience for you. However, the crowds at the large national cons can be enormous and the pace is fast and furious. It's not unusual to sell 00.00 worth of comics in 30 minutes and deal with a new collector or buyer every 30 seconds. At the end of the day, you can come home tired and exhausted...but potentially hundreds or even thousands of dollars richer.

2. The awful truth about some (not all) local comic conventions. If the local convention near your home is not well-publicized, you can find yourself sitting for hours, where no one shows up and you wonder why you decided to waste your day packing up your comics and plunking down for a table. At the end of the day, you can potentially come home very frustrated and angry. ...with only a few dollars in your pocket to show for a day's work. However, unlike national conventions, buying space at there is cheap and you can rest at home in your own bed at the end of the day and a local comic con -- if it is well-publicized -- can help you sell a lot of comics.

3. The awful truth about your competition. Needless to say, all comic conventions - large or small -- are competitive because other comic dealers are there set up only a few feet away from you. At the larger comic conventions, there will be dozens of other comic dealers and collectors who will be offering hundreds of thousands of comic books - many of them offering the same comics as you have. So, unless you have your comics priced right or unless they're extremely scarce, you will get passed up by most collectors, many of whom are there looking for bargains.

However, not everything is so dark and gloomy. Let me give you one big positive to selling at comic cons. By simply buying a table, taking the time to set up properly, you gain equal footing with dealers who have been selling comics for decades. This means that not only can you sell your comics, but you can now buy comics from other dealers at wholesale prices and turn around and resell them at retail...or for profit.

If you are prepared accept these 3 awful truths and the risks involved, then selling your comic books at comic cons can be a great way for you make money from your comic collection.

Comic Book Conventions - 3 Awful Truths About Selling at Comic Cons

For more tips on selling at comic cons and using other methods, check out "47 Ways To Sell Your Comic Books and Get Paid...Starting Today!" To get your FREE copy go to: